
Smart Mentor Training

“Mentor of Mentors”

Many current training programs are prepared in a way to increase knowledge regardless of adults’ traits. SmartMentor Training Program, on the other hand, has been prepared by SmartsUnited, an establishment giving importance to entrepreneurship in Turkey, and it is a training program based on modern Adult Training. SmartsUnited, one of the eight and one of the two Mentor Trainor Institutions, respectively in Turkey and in Ankara, aims at having mentors improve themselves in the following domains:

  • Mentorhip for Technology-based Startups
  • Design-related Mentorship through Advanced Engineering

SmartMentor has been organized in 4 classes of maximum 25 in above-mentioned 2 domains during 6 month-periods with strong cooperation institutions.  SmartMentor candidates will participate in a total 60-hour program including a 20 hour long Smart Mentor in Practice application.

SmartMentor Program

The mentors to give Mentorship to Technology-based Startups and Design via Advanced Engineering to SMEs at the end of SmartMentor Training Program will acquire:

  • a pursuit of constant self-improvement, research, learning and mutual feedback,
  • a good command of observation and analysis skills,
  • a systematical leadership as a cooperator and an innovator.

Cooperated Enterprises


How long is the SmartMentor Education Program?

SmartMentor is a 60-hour program consisting of 20-hours practice about Mentorship of Technology-based Startups and Mentorship of Design with Advanced Engineering. SmartMentor will start in September and continues for 16 weeks.

Is there a charge of the SmartMentor Education Program?

Our program is free of charge.

When and where will be the SmartMentor Education Program carried out?

Lessons will be at the weekends during the SmartMentor Education Program. SmartMentor Education Program will be held in ODTÜ- İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Fakültesi (METU-Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences). Trainings about Mentorship of Design with Advanced Engineering can be done in ODTÜ-Mikro Elektro Mekanik Sistemler Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi (METU-Micro Electro Mechanic Systems Research and Application Center) and in ODTÜ-BİLTİR Merkezi (METU-BİLTİR Center). Besides, a total of 20-hour trainings will be held in organizations determined by the cooperated enterprises during SmartMentor in Practice.

Can mentor candidates receive training in more than one areas?

Mentor candidates can receive training only in one organization and in a single domain that they are most successful.

What are the conditions required for the Mentor candidates?
  • 10 years of work experience for candidates of industrial management experience
  • 10 years of work experience for candidates of entrepreneurship experience
  • 10 years of work experience for candidates with mentorship experience
  • 5 years of work experience for candidates having both entrepreneurship and mentorship experiences

Only the ones who are assigned to “Job Guide” in at least two invitations period under TÜBİTAK 1512 program and mentors assigned under “The Mechanism of Development and Implementation of Mentorship” invitation via TEYDEB 1601 program – code no: 1601-2013-2 will be able to take part in the process without joining the course.