Technology Investments
SmartsUnited establishes partnerships and cooperation’s by making technological and innovative-based investments with its own resources. Specifically acts as an investor and project integrator in the areas of material, bio technology, Nano technology and ICT.
By this way, it creates SmartsUnited entrepreneurship eco-system and enables all the stakeholders under the roof of SmartsUnited to benefit from the support of the investment group.
7 of our technology focused investments in 2011, took place within Hy Technology Investment Fund.
Since 2015 these investments have become the subsidiaries of SmartsUnited Inc. You can see the details of some investments / co-operations we decided to carry a step forward.
Proud to take a step forward;
April 2018
Nano Technology
The introduction of nanotechnology led to the discovery of nano-filler particles. All efforts were and are being made to achieve considerable advances in physical properties and tackle issues like lightning strike protection, fire and smoke resistance…etc, especially in Aerospace Industries. Resin Film Infusion (RFI), which is a variant of VARTM (Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer Molding) or RTM (Resin Transfer Molding) has been used for a long time to achieve the process of composite structures with nano particles.
The new material has been introduced by a consortium in Turkey to tailor new composite structures in line with the customer requirements. The foliated nano particles (Carbon Nanotubes (CNT), Graphene… etc.) reinforced resin is used to design and tailor your composite laminate structures. The manufacturing process is defined as with/without autoclave. This process and the method has a pending patent in Turkish Patent Institutes filed by SmartsUnited.
This technology is a sharing technology under the integrator role of SmartsUnited Inc. with a consortium as follows:
For Further Information:
İlke Dikici (Ms.)
Bio Technology
TB (tuberculosis) is one of the most stigmatized and deadly diseases in modern history and is currently listed as the most common cause of death from infectious disease (surpassing HIV/AIDS and malaria as of 2015). In the European region alone, TB causes 49 new cases and kills 7 people every hour. Globally, the TB situation is alarming: The rate of decline of TB incidence is so slow that if the current trends continue, it will take up to 2182 to reach the World Health Organization’s (WHO) End TB targets.
Undiagnosed (or untreated) cases pose a great health risk and can infect 10 to 15 people over a year, with an estimated 22% infection rate for the people having prolonged, frequent or close contact with the patient. The risks increase for low-income communities, but high-income communities are not risk-free because TB cannot be controlled at national population level unless specific efforts are made to find and treat cases occurring among those most socio-economically disadvantaged and vulnerable. It should be noted that one of the most vulnerable population groups to TB today is the refugees and this poses an imminent threat globally. As the refugee populations increase throughout the world and EU, TB diagnostic efforts will become more important than ever.
Viavis aims to develop a new product named TB-DAS leading a multi-national consortium funded by European Commision under Horizon2020 Eurostars Program. The system is designed to minimize personnel health risks and increase resource efficiency with a fully automated and standardized procedure. It is a streamlined diagnostic solution for tuberculosis that can accommodate greater workflow and increase efficiency in a microbiology laboratory. It will be a complete diagnostic solution for tuberculosis in a microbiology lab. Consumables and kits to be used will be loaded into TB-DAS in bulk, and samples will be automatically processed and analyzed. Test results will be reported on screen or through a specific channel such as a hospital information system.
TB-DAS is being developed by the following consortium partners:
Investor of Viavis and commercialization partner of TB-DAS is SmartsUnited.
For Further Information:
Mert Baysal (Mr.)